books to movies

Books being made into movies that I am excited for:

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare … I have to admit I was thrown off when I heard that Alex Pettyfer turned down the role of Jace Wayland, but Jamie Campbell Bower is growing on me day by day!


Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta … this hasn’t begun filming yet, but I am FREAKING OUT about this one.  The book is 200% incredible, and the secrets in it will be harder to keep in a film version, but Marchetta herself seems to be pretty involved with the project, and I know her influence will keep things on track.

Ender’s Game by Scott Orson Card … this one is coming to theatres SO SOON.  Card was unwilling to sell the film rights to anyone who wouldn’t agree to make Ender 12 or younger, and it will be really interesting to see a film full of young stars (could be hit or miss!).

Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis … the most important things to me in this movie are 1) Who will write the score?  (Remember, Aslan sings Narnia into creation) and 2) How will they show that Digory is Professor Kirke in the future?

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern … this is going to be INCREDIBLE, and it is being produced by David Heyman of Harry Potter fame!

Books I want to be made into movies:

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green … for goodness sakes, it was TIME’s #1 book of 2012!  There has to be a movie coming along, right?  Whoever they choose as Augustus Waters will probably be my new celebrity crush.

Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta … I keep picturing a young Natalie Portman for this one.  I would go crazy if this were to be made into a movie!

Peace Like a River by Leif Enger … I had lunch with him last spring (yes, for real!), and he said that someone had purchased the rights in the past and then changed the screenplay around so much that it wasn’t even the same story.  I’m glad that one fell through, but I’d like to see a true-to-the-story rendering of it someday!

The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis … I keep freaking out because they are making the Narnia movies one by one, and I’m so nervous that they won’t get all the way to HHB.  This story lends itself to a movie!!  If I were in charge, I’d make Shasta and Aravis a little older and amp up the love story!  I wonder if Cor and Corrin would be played by the same actor or by twins.

Also, I wish desperately there was another Harry Potter movie on the horizon.  How about you?

is the book always better?

I’m a reader and a writer, so it naturally follows that I would be more in favor of a book instead of its movie companion.  There are few exceptions to this rule for me, but they do exist.  Here are a few where the movie versions really held their own!!

Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
Book: 870 pages of Harry being a moody 15-year-old.
Movie: a lovely condensed version of that angst, along with incredible cinematography.

Meet the Robinsons
Book: a silly but wonderful little children’s book
Movie: a brilliant expansion of the book, along with a clever twist

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Book: perfection.
Movie: almost perfect– a very well-done interpretation!

What are some stories of which you’ve both read the book and seen the movie?  Which one was better?