is the book always better?

I’m a reader and a writer, so it naturally follows that I would be more in favor of a book instead of its movie companion.  There are few exceptions to this rule for me, but they do exist.  Here are a few where the movie versions really held their own!!

Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
Book: 870 pages of Harry being a moody 15-year-old.
Movie: a lovely condensed version of that angst, along with incredible cinematography.

Meet the Robinsons
Book: a silly but wonderful little children’s book
Movie: a brilliant expansion of the book, along with a clever twist

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Book: perfection.
Movie: almost perfect– a very well-done interpretation!

What are some stories of which you’ve both read the book and seen the movie?  Which one was better?

11 thoughts on “is the book always better?

    • Agreed. I’ve never been able to get through the LOTR books–a little too dense for me. But I’m thankful for the way the movie brought the story through in a way that was meaningful for even a fair-weather fan of fantasy.

  1. I’ve never been able to put my finger on it the way you did, but the 5th Harry Potter book was rubbish compared to the movie!!! I was sick of reading about how the universe hated Harry and how nobody understood him. The movie was way better. As for the LOTR blasphemy happening on your page…. *le sigh*

  2. Not always a fan of comparing but I surpised myself by enjoying the film ‘The Time Traveller’s Wife’ as much as I did. All the classics for sure, I’m not a great fan of Jane Austen but I quite like the films and Jane Eyre.

      • I am into words, sentences, languages, storytelling and books and so came visiting to see what you like to read and was inspired to comment. I blog about books at ‘Word by Word’, my views about everything else I share around the blogsophere. Thanks for replying to my comment 🙂

  3. I’m going to take my life in my hands and suggest that the Winona Ryder movie version of “Little Women” is better than the book. Everything in that movie was perfection: acting, cast, costumes, sets, music… Breathtaking. I’ve probably, quite literally, seen it 100 times and still love it.

    I also LOVE the Anne of Green Gables movies (except the WWI one, which I pretend does not exist). Although L.M. Montgomery’s writing is fantastic, there is someting so magical about Kevin Sullivan’s films. Again, every aspect of those films contribute to the experience. Plus, Megan Follows was BORN to play Anne Shirley.

  4. Jurassic Park. The movie was (and I know this will seem strange) more believable. The book, from what I recall, had too many last-second escapes.

    Also, while the story “Story of your Life” was probably better than the movie “Arrival” by any standard literary metric, I like the characters (especially Dr. Banks and her daughter) better in the movie.

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