like finding a friend

Well, I did it.  I finished writing my first novel.  It took me just short of four years to write, rewrite, revise, rewrite, edit, polish, and complete my book, Lights All Around.  (You were wondering about the blog title, weren’t you?)

Lights All Around is a story about 26-year-old Neely Jane Richter, an obsessive-compulsive undergoing cognitive-behavioral therapy, and my own 20-year struggle with OCD informed my writing.  While I hope that this book will be helpful for non-OCs to understand OCD, I have always intended that the primary audience be those who struggle with OCD themselves.

OCD can be incredibly alienating, and I want my story to be like finding a friend.

In fact, that is exactly how I felt when I first read the book Kissing Doorknobs by Terry Spencer Hesser.

This book, although intended for a young adult audience, was HUGE in my life.  Reading it and identifying with Tara, the protagonist, was like finally having someone put into words what I’d been experiencing for years.  I recommend this book to OCs and everyone who loves an OC.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I hope my story will do the same.  It’s intended to be a companion.  I hope you understand what I mean.



15 thoughts on “like finding a friend

  1. Congratulations!! That is such a HUGE accomplishment.

    I like how you say you want the book to be like finding a friend. I know that I felt alone for so many years, not understanding my OCD and not willing to tell anyone about it, afraid of what others would think. Thank you so much for creating something that will do much good, I’m sure.

    • Oh Tina, I really hope so! Sometimes I think being a writer is like living on a rollercoaster– I can span such a wide range so quickly. Sometimes I feel confident that it will get published someday and make a difference, and sometimes I feel defeated by the waiting game. Mostly I am trying to trust that God is honored in this story– essentially a rescue story– and that He will use it as He desires to draw people to Himself and bring Himself glory.

  2. It’s so wonderful that you are sharing your story with people! It gives others courage to share what they are going through as well. I’m so excited for you and your book! I can’t wait to buy a copy (and maybe get it signed?;-) ) Congratulations!

  3. Jackie, I am so, so proud of you!!!! Wow–It’s finally done. You did it. 🙂 I am absolutely positive that this book, as you hope, will indeed be like finding a friend for a lot of readers. I canNOT wait to get my hands on a copy! Congratulations, dear! Woo-hoo! 😀

  4. Being an author’s mom I got the privilege to read it…… and it is WONDERFUL…. and I am not just saying that because…..

  5. wow mom actually figured out how to post on here!! congrats!! and love the book deetie!!!! can’t wait to be famous, by association!! (I’m the sister, I’m the sister!)

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