My ERP Script (Warning: Triggers!)

Some people have been asking to see the “script” used in my ERP exposure recordings.  I’ve finally found the text (copied pretty much verbatim from the recording I listened to four times a day for about twelve weeks).  If you have religious scrupulosity, this may be triggering.  (That’s the point, after all!)  But maybe it will help you create your own imaginal exposure.

And yes, I know that what’s below is ugly— I lived this script for three months.  I hated it with my whole heart.  But listening to this over and over for three months set me free.

“Okay, Jackie, this is a way for us to confront your obsessional fears, and it’s a very typical way that we deal with obsessional concerns with OCD therapy.  We use exposure by imagination because it offers us the ability to be very creative and to exaggerate the negative consequences.  Now your obsessional fear just so happens to be something that isn’t going to happen for years and years and years, and we have no way of knowing if there’s negative consequences—that you go to hell, that you don’t go to heaven.  We don’t know what’s going to happen, just as we don’t know if someone would get cancer or be poisoned.  There are delayed consequences with this fear, and it’s relating to every action that you take, how you communicate to people, the kind of worker you are, how well you worship. 

“Today I’m going to read this script, and I may add some content, but I want you to vividly imagine happening what I’m describing.  This is something you’re going to listen to repeatedly until you no longer find it bothersome.  And it goes without saying, no rituals before, during, or after.

“As you’re listening to this today, as you’re listening to it on your own, I want you to focus on the content as if it’s happening right now, as if you’re in the moment.  Try to let yourself be immersed in what I’m describing.  Don’t try and distract yourself.  Tell yourself, ‘I need to take that risk and not do my ritual.’

“While you’re listening I want you to close your eyes.  I want you to imagine, Jackie, that you’re in your home … and you’re in your room.  And focus on what you see as you’re waking up, as you’re sitting up … if there’s light coming into the room … how it smells in your room … the temperature … how the floor feels under your feet as you get up.  Pay attention to all your senses right now as you’re in your room, about to go through your daily routine of waking up.

“You wake up and immediately you have a blasphemous thought.  Something that relates to the Holy Spirit, and you’re thinking something horrible and disrespectful toward the Holy Spirit.  And you don’t do anything about it.  You don’t say a prayer; you actually say, “I’m gonna take that risk.”  You say, “Fuck it.  I don’t care.”  And this stays with you the rest of the morning and sets the tone for your day.

“Eventually you get out of the house, and you’re still having that bad thought, but you don’t do anything about it.  You feel almost like that thought is chasing you, trying to get your attention.  “Hey!  Jackie!  Pay attention!  You’re thinking something horrible; you’d better do something about it.”  This is OCD talking.  It wants you to do a ritual; it wants you to pay attention to these things as if they’re really, really important, and as if there are huge ramifications if you don’t pay attention.

“But you keep disregarding.  “Nope, not going to pay attention to that.  So I had a blasphemous thought, and I’m going to hell.  I’ll just have to deal with that.”

“On your ride to work, you listen to the radio, and they’re cursing—saying fuck over and over.  And you picture yourself saying outloud “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK.”  And you imagine yourself saying “fuck you” to the Holy Spirit.

“And you know that’s unforgivable and that you’ve just sealed your fate, but you’re not going to do anything about it.  You’re not going to pray. 

“Now you start to think about what it might be like to be in hell.  And you’re just letting that image come.  You’re focusing on hell right now because you think that’s where you’re heading.  I want you to give me a distress rating right now.

“So you have that disgusted feeling.  You’re aware that you’ve had blasphemous thoughts and had blasphemous feelings.  You’re hoping to get some relief once you get to work.  Usually that helps to distract you, but it’s a bad day.

“You start to have a conversation with your co-worker as you settle into work.  Your co-worker starts to boast, “I’m doing so well with contacting all my students,” and you start to have the thought, “I haven’t been doing that.  I’m terrible.  I’m supposed to be good at my job, but my students never hear from me.  I’m having a terrible influence on my students.”

“But you purposely lie.  “I’ve been in touch with all my students and love me so much.”  You and your co-worker part ways, and your co-worker is secretly upset with you.  He’s pissed because you one-upped him.  He’s telling everybody so.  Telling everybody, “That Jackie is so stuck-up and conceited.”  You imagine him telling your boss that, and your boss says, “I agree.  She can be quite conceited.  We’ll have to keep our eye on her.”  You imagine this spreads like wildfire, and everyone is talking about this communication you had.  Everyone is mad at you now, they don’t like you, and you’re probably going to get reprimanded or fired.

“But you say, “Well, I can’t do anything about that.”  You don’t try to prevent bad things; you don’t try to offer an explanation.

“You start swearing profusely around your peers.  You actually say in an appointment, “Fuck that.  You don’t have to do that.”

“And you think about how you’re going to hell for what you’ve done this day.  Imagining what it will be like in hell, separated from God forever.  The rest of the day you’re purposely doing and saying things to hurt other people’s feelings.  And you’re so preoccupied that you tell the kids from church that you don’t have time for them and don’t care about them.

“You’re still thinking terrible thoughts toward the Holy Spirit.  And you don’t do any sort of prayer.  You don’t get reassurance.  It just continues.   Distress rating, please.

“Your boss finally calls you into his office and tells you to get yourself in order.  And you say, “Why the fuck do I have to do that?  Fuck it.  Fuck it all.  Fuck this job.”  He is really angry now, and you know it’s all your fault.  You don’t do anything to apologize.

“And you can’t stop it, you just keep saying, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”  You feel terrible about your language and your terrible thoughts toward the Holy Spirit, and you feel like you have no control over them even though you don’t mean them.

“You’re thinking about hell again.  And you’re picturing this vastness, this empty blueness you once saw in a video depicting hell.  And you’re imagining that you can’t praise God in hell, you can’t pray.  You realize that you’ll never be joyful again.  You would love so many things about life, except that you are condemned forever to hell.  You are fucking going to hell.

“When you get home from work, you fight with your roommate.  You say some hurtful things, she starts to cry, and you don’t make any effort to apologize.  You ignore a phone call from a friend because you’re upset, and later you find out it was very important.  And because you ignored it, your friend got very depressed.  And it’s your fault that your friend is so sad.

“Your head continues thinking, “fuck, fuck, fuck” all evening.  You’re thinking, “fuck, fuck, fuck” while you chew your supper, while the TV’s on.  It only stops when you start to talk to other people.

“You keep focusing on this image in your mind of hell, of what it would be like to be there.  About how long forever really is.  And your mind caves in on itself trying to consider eternity.

“You forget to take your medicine, and you’re awake all night then, trying to fight your thoughts.  Quick distress rating.

“Now we just went through one of the more upsetting scenarios.  I want you to listen to another scenario.  I want you to close your eyes.

“I want you to imagine that you do go throughout the day focusing on the upsetting thoughts that come into your head.  You don’t do anything to resist them.  It’s uncomfortable, but you remind yourself, “What I’m starting to learn is the less I resist the better I feel, the more control I have.  If I can just remind myself that I can’t do anything about those thoughts, I don’t mean them, there’s nothing dangerous about having them. Because I don’t believe these things that I’m thinking, there’s no danger in thinking them.”

“But the less you resist the thoughts throughout the day, you see that that brings you more comfort.  It’s unusual, it’s outside of your comfort zone, but you remind yourself that you’re in more control when you stop resisting your thoughts.  You stop avoiding them.  You stop seeking reassurance.  And you learn that you can go throughout a day tolerating uncertainty.

“Your co-worker may or may not be mad at you, but you don’t do anything about it.  You hear the word “fuck” – you focus on the word in your mind right now and it’s just a word.  You can say it.  It doesn’t mean anything.  You can say it to your roommate.  You can imagine yourself saying “fuck you” to the Holy Spirit.  You can tolerate that thought.  You don’t have to prevent it.

“The less you resist, the more control you have, the less intrusive these thoughts become.  You can get back to worshiping in a reasonable way, the way others do.  Not praying obsessively, repeatedly.  You focus on how you have lived your life, things you’ve done, your involvement in community activities and your church, and you look to find your own reassurance, reminding yourself of what you are doing and things that you don’t do.  You don’t purposely go around trying to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.  So it’s upsetting that that sort of thought comes into your head, but you don’t need to do anything about it.  It’s just a random thought.  Like “It would be great to win the lottery or go on vacation.”  But there’s nothing we need to do about these thoughts.  They are irrational fears.  You don’t try to reason with them.  You just let them come, you don’t do anything about it, you don’t pray, you don’t ask other people for help, you learn you can tolerate the thought and the thought will go away when we decrease the importance we place on them.

“Your high distress rating today was an eighty-five.  I want you to listen to this repeatedly—four times a day, but only in two settings—so, twice through two times.  I want that distress rating to be decreased by fifty percent or more.  I want you to learn to tolerate focusing on the images you’ve written out, that I’ve described.  Listen to this repeatedly until it’s not quite as bothersome.  Your distress rating last night while writing this story was only a twenty.  It got easier as you adjusted to the task.  It may be more bothersome to listen to it read aloud now.  It’s reasonable to say that this will get easier too.”

30 thoughts on “My ERP Script (Warning: Triggers!)

  1. In my ERP homework I verbalized, the “F*@k you Holy Spirit” – that did not feel good at all but towards the end I did have a somewhat warped and funny experience. I started to look at what I was doing from the HS’s point of view. I just pictured it saying “why is this guy cursing me out?” It sort of changed it from dread to humor because it was so arbitrary. It’s not like the HS did anything to me personally. While I am asymptomatic (the thought rarely enters my head), when it does I do feel the OCD tentacles want to make a bigger deal of the thought than it actually is. I have to say my imaginal hell exposure was pretty dark. I would undergo immolation, dismemberment in all sorts of ways, violation by demons etc… At some point the song “Yakkety Saks” became the background music to these horrible events, these too became funny in dark humor sort-of way. It took on the form of slapstick in hell, only a tad more extreme. Right now, your post doesn’t trigger anything in me one way or the other and that’s pretty amazing. Good luck to those going through ERP

  2. Hi Jackie, Thank you so much for sharing this script. I think you are so brave to “put it all out there.” 🙂 I have a question. Did you ever doubt the below statement?
    “If I can just remind myself that I can’t do anything about those thoughts, I don’t mean them, there’s nothing dangerous about having them. Because I don’t believe these things that I’m thinking, there’s no danger in thinking them.”
    When I read that my OCD said, “but what if your thoughts are true, what if you do believe them.” Then my anxiety shot through the rough (for about 30 seconds). Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    • I think you’d want to add in a line of “And if they are true, that’s that. I have to just accept it.”

      It’s similar to the earlier lines that talk about how “I’m going to hell and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

      Early on in ERP, high anxiety is good … let yourself feel it! Over time, it will decrease. My anxiety levels were high for the first ten weeks before they “broke.”

      SO proud of you for doing ERP!

  3. Jackie. Can you give graphic images Of your script concerning HELL that you used in ERP? MY obsessions include the thought that I must WITNESS about Christ to everyone I meet. If I don’t I may go to hell for not witnessing as well as the person that I didn’t witness too. In other words I might be responsible for someone “burning in the lake of fire” eternally

  4. Thanks for explaining so much of what you went through. To be honest though, this is not to me what was meant by blasphemy of the Holy Spirit although I know it’s bad enough. I don’t think I ought to explain what it was, but anyway it’s good that you managed to get well again.

  5. Hi Jackie!

    I recently found your blog as I’m about to start ERP therapy for OCD and have been doing some research on it. Thank you SO much for sharing this! As I read it, I could feel my own anxiety level increasing vicariously through your experience since, although my obsessions aren’t of this exact nature, they are similar and I can TOTALLY understand how upsetting this would be to have to listen to and accept this particular script. My OCD in particular, among other things, has involved “commands” that pop into my head that I think might be from God, and I have to obey whatever the thought says or else I feel like I’ve been disobedient to the Holy Spirit. This is something that has made me miserable for years so I am READY for the torture of ERP if it means getting better. Reading your script has given me an idea of what mine might feel like. Bring it on. 🙂 Thanks again for sharing! I’m loving all your insights!


  6. Pingback: Question & Dancer: HOCD Edition | JACKIE LEA SOMMERS

  7. I know this post is really old. But thank you. I’m trying to start ERP by myself, i’m so scared that i lost my faith or will have to live without Christ. I’m so scared that going through ERP and saying the doubts in my head will make me walk away from the faith. I know no one who is truly saved actually walks away and that doubt can be a huge strengthener for faith but when its so constant and so not you, i just feel so drained…

  8. Hi Jackie, thanks for sharing this post. I am having both, HOCD and TOCD. I am trying to do ERP by myself but I am not sure how to write imaginative script. Thanks for the post, now I have an idea. I was thinking of having a shorter script first and then longer. Can you suggest me how long the first initial scripts should be? I love your posts. I learned a lot through it.

      • Hi Jackie, thanks for the quick reply. I am also wondering do you pay full attention while listening to your script? I am trying but I can’t. Also for me I get high anxiety for listening to the script for the first 2-3 times then I don’t feel any anxiety. Did that happen to you?

      • Yes, you try to fully immerse yourself in listening and let the anxiety ramp up. Keep track of your anxiety level (1-100) before, during, and after. Use your first (and usually highest) number to gage when you can move to a harder exposure: when your anxiety numbers are consistently half of the first/highest number, time to do a harder exposure.

  9. Thank you so much Jakie for the help. I will try to immerse myself in my script. How many days did you take for one script?

  10. haha. Thanks so much Jackie. You are doing a great job. You don’t know how much your posts are helping me. Thanks again!!!

  11. Wow! That’s pretty intense. So when you reach the point in the script where you are to imagine saying the F-word to the Holy Spirit, you actually envision yourself doing that? Because on the one hand even imagining myself doing that is a horrifying proposition but I’m not really sure how to proceed otherwise…

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